Extinction Rebellion Brighton Newsletter
19th December 2020
Get ready for 2021!
This has been an unique year for humanity, showing us some of the consequences of habitat destruction, biodiversity loss, and an economic model that is not compatible with the health of our planet and future generations. However, in the midst of this pandemic we have also witnessed the effort, commitment, and courage of all the XR Rebels around the country and particularly in Brighton to make a positive impact for our world. Now it is time to start thinking about and planning collaboratively for next year’s actions!
XR Strategy Action Update
Actions are the heart and soul of XR movement, the roots of our community and a gateway for new rebels to join in. We celebrate autonomous action—in affinity groups, local groups, and as a UK-wide collective.
Together we can generate a force for change to demand our government steps up on the Climate & Ecological Emergency.
During the past month, the UK Actions Circle has come together to work out an actions strategy for the next 6 months. With the help of valuable feedback from across the organisation, we hope this plan of action will help to inspire rebels to get planning for what we hope to be a hugely successful 2021.
> Read the full strategy action plan
Hungry for Action
For 7 days an Extinctinction Rebellion Brighton rebel stood outside the Brighton and Hove City Council building completing a hunger strike.
Brighton and Hove City Council declared a climate and biodiversity emergency two years ago and agreed that the city would be carbon neutral by 2030. Yet, as in so many other cases, there are still no plans in place.
Venetia fasted as an act of solidarity with those already suffering the impacts of climate breakdown and to symbolize the future we are headed for, in her own words “a future of a four-degree world where hunger will be a reality for millions as climate instability and soil degradation lead to an increasing likelihood of crop failures. Conflict is sure to follow.”
> Find more about this action and Venetia’s motivations
Fancy a new volunteering role?
Help in the Coord Group and with this newsletter!
Do you want to help XR Brighton grow? We have two exciting volunteering roles open:
The purpose and some of the responsibilities of the position are:
To make sure that the Coord Group has strong communication across XR Brighton and that it is accessible and its work is shared widely
To check the inbox of the coordination group’s email and answer any incoming emails/messages or forward them to the relevant working group
To be aware of relevant developments across XRB (in discussion with Guide and Shepherd) and share them widely and effectively across XRB using appropriate channels: Newsletter / MIHM / MMost / Telegram etc.
Checking other external communication channels such as a MatterMost reception
If you would be interested in helping out in this role, please come along to the first Coord meeting of the New Year on Thursday 7th January 2021 at 6pm. This description and meeting date will be re-posted nearer the time, but why not give it a think over the holiday?
The XR Brighton newsletter team is a small but committed team who draft, edit, and send out this newsletter and the ‘Make it Happen Monday’ email every week to spread the work of XR Brighton in highlighting the climate emergency.
There is a vacancy for a volunteer to help with publishing and sending out the newsletter. You will need to be well-organised and able to spare a couple of hours per week on Fridays (or Saturdays sometimes). Some knowledge of HTML is useful. If you are interested, please email xr_brightonmedia@protonmail.com
Support Our Brave Rebels
Please keep the support coming
Some of our brave Brighton rebels are facing criminal charges for taking non-violent direct action.
> Donate to support our brave rebels' legal fights
Week of Action
Saturday 23rd - Thursday 28th January
Follow up to the highly successful Hungry for Action Week. We are proposing a week of Action for January.
Booked so far: SE Region CEE Bill banner will be here, 2 x Seafront Strolls in Hove, Pressure on Peter Kyle / Our Children's future / Greeting Card Push.
Looking to working groups and action groups for further ideas and actions, eg Bike Swarm? Focus should be on getting up and getting out after the festive season—sea air in our lungs, socially responsible 3D catch ups, CEE Bill to the fore, wind at our backs. Start the New Year with renewed love for our planet—see all of you there!
We will share more information at the beginning of January!
XR Intro Talk: Heading for Extinction
Tuesday 22nd December, 7-8pm
Are you new to XR? This is the place to be! The "Heading for Extinction" talk will kickstart your journey in XR. The meeting will start with an introduction to the science of the climate and ecological emergency to understand the enormity of the situation we are in, then we will introduce Extinction Rebellion's approach to bringing about the change we need.
> For more information and to register
Last XR Brighton General Meeting of the Year
Tuesday 22nd December, 7-9pm
Please join us in our last General Meeting of 2020! This will be our last GM of the year; the next meeting will take place in the first week of 2021 (Tuesday 5th of January). This is a space for sharing, listening, feedback, and questions. Come and hear about the latest XR Brighton news, and learn how you can make a difference.
> Join Zoom Meeting Passcode: 456681
TED Circle: The race to a zero-emission world starts now
Wednesday 23rd December, 7:50-9pm
Biodiversity is the key to life on Earth and reviving our damaged planet, says ecologist Thomas Crowther. Sharing the inside story of his headline-making research on reforestation, which led to the UN's viral Trillion Trees Campaign, Crowther introduces Restore: an expansive, informative platform built to enable anyone, anywhere to help restore the biodiversity of Earth's ecosystems.
We watch a TED video together then break into small groups for facilitated discussions. Usually we get through four questions, and groups are reshuffled for each question.
> Register FREE for Zoom details
Further information
> Extinction Rebellion Brighton's website
> XR Brighton Youtube Channel
> Facebook (@nepocide) for news and info
> Brighton Rebel Community Board Facebook for community chat
> Twitter
> Instagram
Have something to submit to this newsletter?
Please add your item by WEDNESDAY lunchtime for inclusion in the newsletter shared by the end of the week. Make sure to date it and include an email address so we can get back to you if we need clarification. Thank you!
> Newsletter suggestions
Make sure to date it and include an email address so we can get back to you if we need clarification. Thank you!