Extinction Rebellion Brighton Newsletter
4th December 2020
“The response to COVID-19 has shown us that, when people see it is necessary, we can quickly change how we live, work, consume and cooperate. Major and rapid change is exactly what we need in the fight against climate disruption. Change that will make our planet more livable, sustainable and inclusive. I urge you all to put power to work. In your schools, your workplaces and your online communities, I urge you to keep raising your voices, bringing your ideas, and driving forward the ambition we need.” - Antonio Guterres, United Nations Secretary General
There is no time—we need to act, we need to change, and WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT!
Where’s the plan?
Brighton and Hove City Council declared a climate emergency 2 years ago but so far have no plan to make us carbon neutral by 2030. During this time the climate emergency has dramatically worsened alongside catastrophic loss of species. We need to hold them to account and show them this is not acceptable!
> Please sign and share this petition far and wide!
> Also, please visit this Facebook post and share/like/repost
Support Our Brave Rebels: Crowdfunding Launched
Some of our brave Brighton rebels are facing criminal charges for taking non-violent direct action. You can donate to support our brave rebels' legal fights here.
One of our Rebels is Isa who had her first court date on 31st October and has shared her inspiring story/motivations:
"We were out of time then; we are out of time now. Some people [need to] hold on to some sort of hope in order to keep going or to keep fighting, but we're arguably past the point in which we'd be able to reverse the damage we have caused the earth before it leading to a chain of events than none of use will be able to ignore any longer…Some people hold on to hope...I think for the most part I hold on to community. To the path we forge along the way. To some hope, yes, that there is something to salvage, that there's a different social system that we can build from the ground up…I take the privilege that allows me to take a morning in the courthouse as some sort of social experiment and then smile and pose for a photo in front of the magistrate's court—and I use it to fight. Tbh, for the Extinction Rebellion UK part, I don't truly feel like I need hope because regardless of it, when you look at the world, when you know what's happening, you cannot stop knowing. I've said this before but I'll say it again: this is just the beginning."
XR Brighton Needs Storage Space - Can you help?
Since the closure of the office in October we have been treated to temporary storage (thank you Marcia), but we will need to move again at the end of the month. If any Rebel has or knows of a spare room, unit, or corner of a garage we could use, please get in touch at xr_brighton@protonmail.com.
Fancy a new volunteering role? Help with this newsletter!
The XR Brighton newsletter team is a small but committed team who draft, edit, and send out this newsletter every week to spread the work of XR Brighton in highlighting the climate emergency.
There is a vacancy for a volunteer to help with sending out the newsletter. You will need to be well organised and able to spare a couple of hours a week on Fridays (or Saturdays sometimes). Some knowledge of HTML is useful. If you are interested, please email xr_brightonmedia@protonmail.com
Brighton and Hove City Council (BHCC) Whole Estate Plan (WEP) Consultation: Last Chance!
Saturday 12th December 10-11:30am
Let’s have mass XR Brighton input into BHCC’s Whole Estate Plan! This is an opportunity not to be missed, and spaces are going quickly! This unique ‘green belt’ owned by us is HUGE – over 12,000 acres. It is essential that climate and biodiversity action is at the core of that plan – carbon drawdown in particular. Don’t miss this chance to join the consultation sessions and speak up for the climate and biosphere.
These are some of the things you can do to get involved and also some places where you can find more information:
Empathy Circle Facilitation Training Introduction
Tuesday 8th December, 6-8pm
An Empathy Circle is a structured dialogue process that effectively supports meaningful and constructive dialogue. It supports; team building, emotional grounding, connection, conflict resolution, creativity and innovation. Join and learn about the course and training to facilitate an Empathy Circle for your local XR chapter and beyond.
> Zoom link to join
> In preparation you can view: How to Empathy Circle?
> More information on Facebook
XR Brighton General Meeting
Tuesday 8th December, 7-9pm
All welcome. This is a space for sharing, listening, feedback, and questions. Come and hear about the latest XR Brighton news and learn how you can make a difference.
> Join Zoom Meeting Passcode: 456681
TED Circle – 3 lessons on starting a movement from a self defence trailblazer
Wednesday 9th December, 7:50-9pm · On Zoom
At 16, Rana Abdelhamid started teaching self-defense to women and girls in her neighbourhood. Almost 10 years later, these community classes have grown into Malikah: a global grassroots network creating safety, power and solidarity for all women. How did she do it? Abdelhamid shares three ingredients for building a movement from the ground up.
> Register FREE to watch the Ted Talk together on Zoom
CEE bill, Citizens’ Assemblies, and B&H Climate Assembly
Thursday 10th December, 6-8pm
Want to know more about the CEE, citizens’ assemblies, and the recent Brighton and Hove climate assembly? Join us for a presentation and discussion!
> Join Zoom Meeting Password 418675
Further information
> Extinction Rebellion Brighton's website
> XR Brighton Youtube Channel
> Facebook (@nepocide) for news and info
> Brighton Rebel Community Board Facebook for community chat
> Twitter
> Instagram
Have something to submit to this newsletter?
Please add your item by WEDNESDAY lunchtime for inclusion in the newsletter shared by the end of the week. Make sure to date it and include an email address so we can get back to you if we need clarification. Thank you!
> Newsletter suggestions
Make sure to date it and include an email address so we can get back to you if we need clarification. Thank you!