Extinction Rebellion Brighton Newsletter
13th November 2020
No Future in Fossil Fuels: Act Now
This week we need everyone’s help to send a clear message that fossil fuel extraction is unacceptable during a climate emergency.
Come to the gate of Horse Hill oil well on the morning of 17th November (read on for more details) and leave a token and a message there to show your concern about the continued extraction of oil at this site.
The date marks the start of a Judicial Review which challenges the way Surrey County Council made their decision to grant a license for twenty years of oil production at Horse Hill.
Mock COP26
COP26 was due to be hosted in Glasgow this November but has been postponed due to COVID-19. Even through the pandemic, climate action must be a priority. That's why young people from all over the world have adjourned to hold their own Mock COP26 to show the world how to behave in a crisis. #ForTheYouthByTheYouth
At Mock COP26 the stage for leaders when they attend COP26 in November 2021 will be set. The conference will culminate in a global statement and vision by the youth of the world which would serve to raise ambition for COP26. Following Mock COP, our delegates will be supported by project staff to engage their own political delegates in the outcomes of Mock COP over the year to COP26.
> More information of the Mock COP26
> To fund Mock COP26 and drive global climate action
Horse Hill Drilling - Judicial Review
Tuesday 17th November, morning
Horse Hill, Horley, Surrey, RH6
Join in a covid-safe action to mark the start of the judicial review deciding the fate of continued drilling at Horse Hill oil well near Gatwick. Come with your household or support bubble to the gates of the oil well and leave a teddy, flowers, or other token to stand vigil on your behalf while the High Court in London decides whether carbon emissions from fossil fuels should be taken into account in planning decisions by local councils.
> See this document for more details, including how to participate remotely.
Digital Action - put pressure on local divestment in fossil fuels
Over ninety members of the public submitted Divest East Sussex’s three key ‘This is a climate emergency!’ questions to East Sussex County Council’s last Full Council meeting on the 13th of October. However, the Council has failed to answer any of these questions. Time to pile on the pressure!
Please take 2 minutes to email our new ‘Tell the truth about climate & fossil fuels!’ question to ESCC by 4pm on 23 November. (ESCC runs the Local Government Pension Scheme for Brighton and Hove.)
XR Brighton General meeting
Tuesday 17th November, 7-9pm
All welcome. This is a space for sharing, listening, feedback, and questions. Come and hear about the latest XR Brighton news and learn how you can make a difference.
> Join on Zoom Passcode: 456681
Brighton and Hove City Council Downland Estate
Various dates
Brighton and Hove City Council is inviting residents to help create a Whole Estate Plan for the City Downland Estate
You are invited to join an online discussion group (through Zoom) on:
17 November 12:30 to 2pm
21 November 10:30am to 12noon
24 November 7pm to 8:30pm
This is an opportunity to show our council how much we love our green space & Downland, and also how important it is to manage it in a regenerative way and increase public access opportunities.
> Details
From the Ground Up: Global Gathering for Climate Justice
12th - 16th November
This Global Gathering is an opportunity for UK, European, and international climate justice movements to build momentum and capacity, and to connect to broader civil society to build power for system change.
> Details of From the Ground Up
1 to 1 Nonviolence + De-escalation (NVC Breathe)
Saturday 14th November, 10am-12pm
> More details and to register for tickets on Zoom
Further information
> Further details on all events
> XR Brighton Youtube Channel
> Facebook (@nepocide) for news and info
> Brighton Rebel Community Board Facebook for community chat
> Twitter
> Instagram
Have something to submit to this newsletter?
Please add your item by WEDNESDAY lunchtime for inclusion in the newsletter shared by the end of the week. Make sure to date it and include an email address so we can get back to you if we need clarification. Thank you!
> Newsletter suggestions
Make sure to date it and include an email address so we can get back to you if we need clarification. Thank you!