Extinction Rebellion Brighton Newsletter
2nd October 2020
Reflecting on the Rebellion: Have Your Say
How did XR Brighton do? Roses, buds and thorns
Thank you for all you have done during recent weeks, both before and during the September Rebellion. Please share your thoughts on the following form so we can learn together about our successes and improve in the future.
We'd like to hear your thoughts on the Rebellion as a whole and especially Brighton's role in it:
Roses - the things that worked well
Buds - the things that showed promise
Thorns - the things that just didn't work the way that was hoped or went wrong
> Give us your thoughts on this form
There will also be an opportunity for feedback during the first hour of the General Meeting on Tuesday 6th October - details below.
Brighton XR Streets for Life
Last Friday we symbolically displayed 200+ shoes at Hove Town Hall to show our council we are worried that more than 200 lives of our neighbours are lost or hurt due to air pollution and traffic accidents each year in our city. The council has a once-in-a-lifetime chance to get £2.68 million from the government to improve safe walking and cycling options in our city. This week the Environment, Transport and Sustainability (ETS) Committee met to make a decision.
> Watch the video (2.5 mins)
> Join the Streets for Life chat
See below for how you can support this campaign.
Success at Waterhall
Fantastic news! This week, the council agreed plans to restore nature on the disused golf course at Waterhall. Brighton Downs Alliance worked with Friends of Waterhall to encourage the council to look into securing funding for an innovative farm and visitor centre in place of the former clubhouse, with guarantees of prior community consultation over future use of the site and buildings.
HS2 Rebellion - Donations needed!
On the weekend of 25-27 October 2020, we are going to support the Denham STOP HS2 campaign. Please donate whatever you can afford before then to help us raise the cash to hire a van and buy some essential building materials so that we can build a winter sanctuary space (see the funding page for more info).
Also if you have any old duvets, blankets, or tarpaulins we can use please donate these to the Brighton XR office (or contact us for a pick up), and we will transport them up to the site. There is always a need for tinned and dried vegan foods for the camp, as well as bedding, wellies, and warm or waterproof clothing.
> Please donate online
> Contact the office by phone: 01273 766627
Digital Action
Brighton XR Streets for Life
Labour in Brighton & Hove has recently announced it wants to 'pause' the rollout of emergency cycling infrastructure, pending a consultation that we don't need, given that we're in a pandemic and need emergency travel measures now, and a consultation is already underway. This means we'll lose out on £2.68 million of government funding to help people travel around the city.
If you haven't done so yet, please loudly show your support for these positive changes in our city by writing to your councillors, contributing to the ongoing consultations, and sharing your love on your social media. You will need to include your name and address and specify "objection". You don't even need to write any comments. Children CAN object-it is their future after all.
Ask your MP to back the CEE Bill
It's more important than ever to keep the pressure on our MPs to back the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill. We took to the streets to demand action rather than just words, and now we can continue to make our voices heard with the Digital Rebellion. Join the Digital Rebellion telegram channel for updates, inspiration, and to join our open Zoom call.
Talks & Meditation
TED Countdown - We can change climate change
Saturday 10th October, 3:30-8pm
Countdown is a global initiative to champion and accelerate solutions to the climate crisis, turning ideas into action. The goal: to build a better future by cutting greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2030 in the race to a zero-carbon world - a world that is safer, cleaner and fairer for everyone. On the day we will watch a series of specially commissioned TED talks and then hold local facilitated discussions with our community. Hosted by XR Banbury.
> For more information
> Register
Saturday 10th October, 10:30am, Queen's Park
There is a warm welcome to anyone who feels that meditation/prayer/silence as a contribution to XR actions resonates for them. We have a local XR meditators group which warmly welcomes anyone (all faiths and none).
Our next meet-up (Covid permitting) is Saturday 10th October at 10:30am in Queens Park quiet scented garden, just north of the clock tower. We will do a silent walking meditation for about 20 minutes, then check-in and sharing. If this appeals to you do get in touch, or just turn up. Please email Ruth Urbanowicz for more information.
XR Brighton General meeting
Tuesday 6th October, 7-9pm · Online (Zoom)
All welcome. This is a space for sharing, listening, feedback, and questions. Come and hear about the latest XR Brighton news, and learn how you can make a difference. The first hour this week will be an opportunity to feed back about the Rebellion.
> Join on Zoom Passcode: 456681
XR Brighton Drop-In: Where do I fit in?
Thursday 8th October and Friday 9th October 11am-2pm
Come along to the XR Brighton office and talk to an experienced member of the group in an open and friendly chat. Find out where your skills can fit and how you can make the best impact with your time and passion to fight the climate crisis. Please come and visit if you want to talk about anything to do with XR Brighton or pick up materials for an event you are planning. If you are new or old to XR we will be happy to chat and help where we can.
Ring the doorbell (opposite the station) at The Brighton Eco Centre, 39-41 Surrey Street BN1 3PB. Please call ahead at 01273 766627 on the day of your visit as we are operating a one in one out Covid safe system.
> Further details on all events
> XR Brighton Youtube Channel
> Facebook (@nepocide) for news and info
> Brighton Rebel Community Board Facebook for community chat
> Twitter
> Instagram
Have something to submit to this newsletter?
Please add your item by WEDNESDAY lunchtime for inclusion in the newsletter shared by the end of the week. Make sure to date it and include an email address so we can get back to you if we need clarification. Thank you!
> Newsletter suggestions
Make sure to date it and include an email address so we can get back to you if we need clarification. Thank you!