Rebel Rising South East
14th Sep 2019 11:00
15th Sep 2019 23:00
Various locations in Brighton
The Rebel Rising South East is a weekend of inspiration, training, support and the chance for newcomers to meet the South Eastern Extinction Rebellion community and for all of us to get more involved.
The two days offer:
- Inspirational workshops and talks - Networking circles - Training sessions on Non-Violent Direct Action and much more - People’s Assembly - Regenerative culture and self care, including yoga and meditation - Families space - QTIPOC safe space - Elders representation - Creative workshops and t-shirt printing - Live music, including Asian Dub Foundation, Orbital, Alice Russell, the Dub Pistols and Mark Chadwick from the Levellers - March with banners, flags, drummers, the Red Rebels Brigade and the Bike Squad - Address by Brighton Pavilion Green MP Caroline Lucas
Check out the schedule, register for the weekend's events, and find out how you can help out on our Rebel Rising South East page
Both days will give us the chance to develop ideas, tactics and skills, so we can all can play our part in the upcoming Extinction Rebellion International Rebellion, which comes to London and other cities around the world on 7th October.