Planning Chaos - Proposed Tory 'Bonfire of the planning regulations

This government is proposing major changes to planning regulations which are NOT in the interests of us or our children and communities.

They will take away local planning control, forcing 300,000 new houses to be built in areas whether housing is needed or not.

More affordable housing where it is needed should be good news, BUT failing to make these new homes carbon-neutral before 2050 is terrible news. The plan is to retrofit the houses after they are built. This is madness!

The proposal also wants to make many developments free of planning permission, so there will be little or no control against negative environmental impacts. Local councils and local people will have no say and these houses are unlikely to be affordable or well built.

Apart from the lack of any real attempt to address climate change and biodiversity loss, one of the main issues is that there is very little detail about any of the proposals made in the white paper. We fear the result will be poor-quality housing with a huge carbon footprint, creating car-dependent commuter towns with no infrastructure such as public transport, schools, shops or parks.

This is truly terrible news for the climate, for biodiversity and for the environment!

What Can You Do?

Please respond to the consultation below before 29 October and explain to the Tories that we are in a climate and ecological emergency.

A link to give your consultation response and express your views about this terrible plan, plus some background reading.

We have produced a crib-sheet to help respond to the very non-user-friendly 26 consultation response set questions.

Further information

This short video by CPRE explains the disastrous nature of the new proposals clearly

A BBC ‘Costing the Earth’ episode explains the damaging effects of the proposed changes.

Here is short article explaining the CPRE’s views on the planning proposals.

This Wildlife Trust’s analysis of the consultation gives a good summary of why we should be concerned.

Thank you!

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