Know Your Rights Online Training

16th Jun 2020 18:00 - 20:00


A training aimed at encouraging safe protest and informing you of your rights when interacting with the police.

Zoom meeting:

Introduction to Arrestee Support

This covers an overview of the arrestee life-cycle and the needs they may have, as well as an introduction to the trainings and roles we run within Arrest Support. Important and empowering training for anyone looking for an arrest support role, action planners, or those who would like to know the support available to them.

RISE CWUP (Pre-action/arrest preparation)

Emotional and practical preparation for NVDA, particularly arrest. This training aims to realign us with our motivations for acting, to address our concerns together, and to create more resilient activists. Essential training for anyone taking part in NVDA.

Police Station Support (PSS) Training

PSS volunteers greet released arrestees at the Police Station. They provide emotional and practical support, and collect data for ongoing support (with consent). A highly rewarding and low-risk role.

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