Climate Justice Workshop - Day Four of 12 Days of Crisis

4th Dec 2019 18:00 - 20:00

The Cowley Club, 12 London Rd, BN1 4JA

⭐️What’s this all about?⭐️

Our aim is to embed climate justice more strongly within XR. By collaborating with groups who have been leading the way on these issues, we will deepen our commitment to fighting for climate justice.

This is a workshop created by Global Justice Now and hosted by Extinction Rebellion (XR) Brighton.

⭐️What will this workshop entail?⭐️

‘Climate Justice’ has become a buzzword in the climate movement. But what does it really mean? In this workshop we will be exploring why XR must take into account how our economic system has created and perpetuated climate change. We will understand why those who are least responsible for climate change are suffering the gravest consequences. Finally, we will look into how people are fighting back by demanding social and economic justice and how we can all stand together to fight for climate justice for everyone.

      ~ Global Justice Now

Everyone is welcome, whether you’re involved in the climate movement or not!

Hope to see you there.

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